Thursday, February 4, 2010

My creative space... all about procrastination.

I agreed to make cushion covers for my sister for her birthday (which was 2 weeks ago). We've now found the fabric, but I just can't bring myself to get started!
It might be partly because the fabric doesn't really excite me, but it's probably more that I HAVE to do it, and they need to look OK. Hopefully by telling you about it I'll actually move on to cutting and stitching rather than just trying to avoid looking at it!

Over at Kirsty's you'll find lots of interesting creating....


Beck said...

When this type of thing happens to me I need an 'approach'. Such as, I'll work on whatever it is for half an hour and then have a break. Or giving myself an incentive, ie; Kit Kat with a cuppa, if I get a certain amount done. Once you get going I'm sure it will be finished before you know it & won't you feel fabulous?! good luck xo

Kirsty said...

Now you've told us about it you've just put it on the very top of the "to do". Have fun.

Kate said...

I so get this! Once I have to do something I don't want to do it anymore and will do anything not to have to do it. I agree with Beck though; a bit of incentive never hurt. X

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Just go into autopilot, cut to size, measure & just do it. Cushions can often be the least exciting sewing project ever but think of how excited it will make your sister. Then it's done, over, you don't have to think about it until she wants matching breakfast cushions for Christmas. Love Posie

Olivia said...

I think the fabric looks lovely! but I know how you feel. I've been meaning to finish the cushions on our sofa for 4 months but the thought is so boring that I just can't bring myself to do it.

midge said...

good luck with the cushion project. somehow love jobs just don't motivate you the same way a creative pursuit from the heart does. i know just how you feel. i am forever putting my hand up only to regret it as the deadline draws near. at least it's not mending- that's the worst

Pippi creates said...

Just break the needle on your sewing machine - that'll give you a good excuse to avoid it! Or try adding in a little something a different in there to make it more fun. Good luck with it!

Sally said...

I so understand where you're coming from. I use my blog to motivate myself too... looking forward to seeing the finished cushion covers soon.

Wendy said...

Well, now you have to get cracking-- we'll be checking back next week to see your progress!

Gina said...

I hear ya!! But maybe it'll be done by next Thursday... :-)