Sunday, October 3, 2010


itti bitti d'lish snap-in-one shells (small size). We think they're brilliant!

The weather today was perfect for getting organised for the transition from sanity-saving disposables to sanity-and-conscience-saving cloth nappies. Given the number of nappies we're going through each day at the moment, we probably won't have enough cloth nappies in the stash, but for every one we use, that's one less disposable. We've got to start somewhere!


Vic said...

Good job! I love love love cloth nappies, but don't have any of these in my stash. They look adorable! Vic xx

Leonie said...

Good attitude. Every little bit helps.

Ange Moore said...

I'm with you - we aren't in fulltime cloth but I feel much better on those days when I do manage to get my son into the cloth nappies!

Melissa said...

What a stash! Much brighter than my boring beige Baby Beehinds.

Sue said...

Oh they look so cute and bright! Much better than the boring white ones I used to use for Lachlan!

Anonymous said...

Well done! Where do all those disposable nappies go to? It must be a horrible place.

Unknown said...

Tee-hee! This was our line during the week too :) I'm very excited to use our new ittis. They didn't have them when little owlet was teeny.